
Attractors for Affordances 3

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Attractors for Affordances 3

 On theCCK08 course those who communicated in the blogs more than in the forums did so because:



·        Blogs enable personal sense-making (BO.1, 1d)

·        Blogs enable self-expression (BO.1, 1d)

·        Blogs allow for the creation of an attractive layout in which to express ideas (B0.2, 1d)

·        In blogs you can establish a personal presence (B5b, 1d)

·        In blogs you can establish a personal voice (B1, 1a)

·        Blogs enable the development of personal connections, beyond the immediate task (B2, 1a)

·        In blogs you have more control over who to enter into discussion with (B3, 1b)

·        In blogs the ‘tone’ of discussions meets implicitly accepted protocols (B3a, 1b1)

·        Blogs foster quiet, slow, reflection (B4, 2e)

·        Blogs enable  ‘ownership’ of the publishing space (B5a)

·        Bloggers can control the pace of discussion on their blogs (B5c)

·        Blogs provide a protected space (B5d, 1d) & (B6, 1b, 1d)

·        Bloggers can build and protect their self-esteem in a blog (B7, 1d)

·        Bloggers can individually develop ideas (B8a)

·        Blogs enable intensive personal learning (B8b, 2a, 2c, 3a)

·        In blogs you can make well-formeddraw explicit connections between fewer and more distant concepts (B9, 3d) B10) (I prefer Roy's phrasing because the "explicit"/"implicit" opposition is one of the few that we agree. However, the problem is only, how to interprete/ deduce our hypotheses from the question phrasings, and if Jenny will be able to argue that the wording is in fact synonymous, our interpretation "well-formed" -> "explicit" will be justifiable, right?) (MM30.3.09) 

·        Bloggers can focus on the development of side branches in their own space and time (B10)

·        Bloggers can develop thoughtful, long-term relationships and networks (BR1, 1a)

·        Bloggers can develop a blend of personal relationships and conceptual relationships about ideas (BR2)

what do we mean by conceptual relationships – do we mean relationships between ideas as opposed to between people?

I think this whole BR2/ MSOF2 creative tension is problematic; see next. (MM30.3.09)

·        Blogs allow for the development of personal and conceptual relationships which may influence each other

is this what you meant Matthias – I’m not sure I understand this

I argued that the personal and conceptual layers influence each other (think of the book net), not the connections, and that your statement might not be synonymous to Roy's, and I suggested to leave Roy's phrasing for later interpretation. But if you will be able to argue that the wording may be interpreted as Roy thought, I won't object. (MM30.3.09)

Hi, the 'conceptual/ personal' distinction is about whether blogs enable relationships between people and between ideas (as opposed to forums which 'tend to' enable relationships between ideas.  The distinction is one of emphasis, its not absolute. The creative tension can be left out, and can be deduced from correlations, if any, between answers that are positive on the blog and forum statements - this will indicate that the respondent can live quite happily with both - which might be described as a 'creative tension'.  


·        Bloggers can rapidly track parallel blogs and other bloggers. (BR3)

·        In blogs you can develop ties which are initially weak but then strengthen. (BR4, 1c)

·        Blogs enable you to develop deep relationships with other bloggers (P004c?)

·        Blogs allow for personal freedom (L005d)



On theCCK08 course those who communicated in the Moodle forums more than in the blogs did so because:



·        The forums facilitated co-operative peer learning (F0)

·        There was an immediate sense of close community in the forums (F1, 1b) (F6, 1d)

·        There were more people to interact with in the forums (F3, 1b)

·        In the forums, people felt physically closer to each other

·        There was more ‘jostling’ with other people in the forums

·        There was more ‘stepping on each other’s toes’ in the forums

·        The ‘tone’ of discussion in the forums was academic See MSOF3 (F4, 1b1) 

·        There was a greater sense of being in a group in the forums (F5, 1c)

·        There were medium-strong connections in the forums (F5, 1c)

·        The pace of discussion was fast in the forums (F7a, 1d, 3a)

·        Discussion in the forums was provisional and exploratory (F7b, 1d, 3a)

·        Discussion in the forums was focussed on knowledge formation (F7b, 1d, 3a)

·        There was intensive cooperative learning in the forums (F8, Id, 2a, 2c) 

·        In the forums conceptual connections were more implicitly present (F9, 3d)

·        In the forums conceptual connections were closer in time and space (F9, 3d)

·        In the forums conceptual connections between ideas were more numerous (F9, 3d)

·        Forums allowed for big picture discussions with digressions and disparate topics(F10, 3f)

·        There was alpha--fe/male sparring in the forums (MSOF 0.1)

·        The forums were like a free-for-all marketplace without a regulator (MSOF 0.2, 1b)

·        There was fast-paced asynchronous interaction in the forums (MSOF 1, 1b)  

·        Relationships in the forums were developed on the basis of ideas (MSOF 2, 1b)

·        There was no restriction on the ‘tone’ of discussion in the forums (MSOF 3, 1b1)

·        The tone of discussion in the forums was ‘self-correcting’ (MSOF 3, 1b1)

·        Forums ensured a greater number of readers of your posts (T007)

·        Forums ensured a greater number of responses to your posts (T009)

·        It was easier to track back through discussions in the forums (C003)

·        In the forums you could avoid the distraction of numerous hyperlinks (3f or C006a/b)


I have moved this again, because I need to be able to see it without comments.  Please tell me if you want me to stop doing this. The changes I have made to these statements have been:

1. To make them read better (i.e. be clearer to the reader)

2. To split up the longer statements into more than one statement so that it is clear to the reader which part of the statement they are responding to

3. To remove unecessary repetition

Great, thanks. 



I asked my husband to read this and he had difficulty independently understanding a few of the statements, so I made some changes on that basis too.


I have very little time this week, for further work on this - a lot of other work is mounting up, including another research paper! As I see it this is what we need to do (please correct me if I am wrong)


1. Agree these statements - which means each person going through and editing as you think necessary

2. Deleting statements if they are not necessary

3. Adding statements if there is an aspect of blogging or moodling that we have missed

  • You mean, adding statements beyond the combination of these ones and those of Part 4 Grouping Draft 3 ? No, I think that's not necessary. You managed to put all of my unreadable thinking (e. g. 3f) into separate readable statements, thank you very much! (MM30.3.09)

(e.g. will we be able to get a representative response from people who were active in both blogs and forums?


  • I think most of the bloggers on our list are also in the forums, no worry. (MM30.3.09) 



We then need to add the introductory statement, and statement about ethical consideration and add some questions to gather demographic data.


Anything else?


I started to fill in the email addresses of the people who "only moodled", (the 150 most perseverent ones, plus a small spot sample of earlier droppers). We need to agree on a count so that they won't dominate the outcome, considering the fact that almost all bloggers are also moodlers, at least as intensively as the "long tail" of the moodlers that is hard to identify. (MM30.3.09) 


I am happy with the statements so far, will re-visit them after work today.  John 31.3.09


Comments (1)

Jenny Mackness said

at 6:31 am on Apr 1, 2009

Fantastic work on finding the email addresses of the moodlers Matthias. What would your recommendation be for the number of moodlers to contact?

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